Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Cheerful Giving

Have you ever asked someone for something and they gave it to you with an attitude?  How did you feel?  When situations like this occur it can make you feel like you wished you had never asked.  No one wants to feel like they are an inconvenience to another.  A “gift” should make the recipient happy, not sad or angry.  Giving should be an act from the heart.  2 Corinthians 9:7 states, “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver (NIV).”  God honors such acts and He blesses those who are willing to give voluntarily and with LOVE.  

Let your motives for giving be acceptable in the sight of God.  God desires what’s in your heart more than what’s in your hand. Service that is cheerful and voluntary, that is offered out of true love to Him is acceptable in his sight. God loves it because it shows a heart like his own.

"How can I be a cheerful giver?” Well, the greatest example is that of Jesus Christ who willingly gave His life that we may have ours.  God predestined for us to be conformed to the likeness of His Son (Romans 8:29). What better way for us to emulate Jesus Christ than to give selflessly the way He gave to us.  More importantly, our greatest motivation for generous and cheerful giving should be that it pleases God and that it reflects His gift of salvation to us. 

~ Lynn

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