Monday, February 25, 2013

Celebrating Our Legacy Of.....Faith


As we conclude the topical discussion on the legacy of African Americans and the characteristics that have contributed to the advancement of civil rights, equality, and our way of life, let us discuss the final characteristic that brings the previous ones into motion. Perseverance, Unity, and Resiliency were key components that contributed to the vision at hand. The final characteristic that holds all three of the previous traits together is Faith.

Faith can be defined as having confidence and trust in the Lord and His word without seeing the immediate evidence, but with patient endurance, relying on the timing of the Almighty with thanksgiving. It was their faith in Christ that allowed our people to persevere through the intimidation that stood before them when they pursued their civil rights. It was their faith in Christ that brought about unity to stand together as a community to boycott public transportation. It was their faith in Christ that spurred up resiliency to continue with persistence when they suffered setbacks and disappointments. Without faith, the impossible remains impossible, but with faith in Christ, anything is possible. Our journey, indeed, is a continuous one, but when we employ faith in Christ along with perseverance, unity among ourselves, and resiliency, we can rise above the ashes and prove God's word when He says that He will never leave nor forsake us.

When I think on these things, it fills me with a deep appreciation for what our previous generations have sacrificed on our behalf so we may enjoy those things that were not afforded to them. But an even greater appreciation is due to our savior Jesus for enduring the cross so that we won't experience the separation from God the Father. He took on that pain and suffering so that we will not have to. So let us be proud of our heritage and continue on to accomplish the dream that was set before us by our ancestors and by God.

Meditate on this scripture that encourages faith:

"Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before Him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God". (Hebrews 12: 1-2)

~ Toni H.

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