The topical discussion of money within the church has always been a subject matter that is treaded softly upon. The aversion is mostly due to the differing of opinions of whether it is an Old or New Testament teaching. The fact of the matter is that tithes and offerings are mentioned in both, the Old and New Testament teachings. Simple research with a concordance or an internet search engine will prove this true.
Now let’s get to the core of the matter which is defining what a tithe is and why it is important. A tithe is a tenth of agricultural produce or personal income set apart as an offering to God for the support of the church. The tithe is a fundamental resource that belongs to the Source that is set aside for His will. I want to discuss three reasons why the tithe is important. First, giving the tithe is an act of obedience to God. God asks us to bring all the tithes to His storehouse which is the church. This is an act of obedience. Because our heavenly Father asked, we should do. Secondly, giving the tithe supports the administration, missions, and ministries of the church. Our mission trips help to offer relief to the poor and push the spread of the gospel throughout the nations. Ministry within our church offers outreach in our communities as well as sponsoring events for spiritual growth to the congregation. Finally, giving the tithe is proof that our heart is open to the will of God. God ask for us to give cheerfully and willingly, without a grudge. This proves that we have not allowed money to become the center of our lives, but allow God to direct its use.
The principle of tithing should not be an awkward discussion or talking point. I would like to reiterate that the tithe is a resource that belongs to the Source for the working of His will. So we should evaluate our hearts in regards to the position money plays in our relationship to God and allow the Holy Spirit to direct our giving.
Meditate on this scripture that encourages giving the tithe:
Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce (Proverbs 3:9).
~Toni H.
powerfull word thank you