Our Christian walk is filled with many choices and decisions, confrontation of temptations that entice us, and the ability to choose how to respond to each. A lot of what others can see often is displayed on the exterior, which also embeds our speech and actions. We are all aware of the possibility that our outer shell can be a front, just a facade of what we want others to see, while our heart may reflect a different disposition. Sometimes the difference between the two is unintentional, but it does not negate the fact that there is a difference. However, our God is one who pays no attention to that outer shell; He pricks the intent of our hearts.
As I read the parable of the rich young ruler (Mark 10:17-27), it clearly depicted the understanding that one could very well, in their own way of thinking, give their entire being to the calling of God. It shows how we can follow all the commandments and laws with strict obedience, but we never look into our hearts to see if the most important object of God’s affection is actually, His!! When confronted by Jesus, after disclosing how closely he lived for God, the rich young ruler was asked to give everything he had away to the poor and follow Christ. The rich young ruler responded by walking away, grieving. Now, doesn't this request go straight to the Heart of the Matter? It’s not that Jesus wanted to see the young rich ruler without wealth, He wanted him to understand that he had not given his heart completely over to God in all things, even his wealth; he lacked trust.
So the question is have you gotten to the true matters of the heart in regards to God? Is your obedience and trust in His word manifested when you have the opportunity to give, which also includes tithing? Let God know that you trust him fully and that money has no bearing on your relationship with him. The heart of the matter is that everything was given, so why not give, with a cheerful heart.
Meditate on this scripture which encourages giving from the heart:
God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need……..You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion. (2 Corinthians 9:8, 11)
~Toni H.