Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Renewal is a Process

One thing that I have learned and will continue to manifest in my life is this: we cannot assign other people to fill the void that was created by and for God, through Christ Jesus. When we do this, we set ourselves and others up for failure. Coming from someone who has always had an issue with trust, I know in my spirit that Jesus is the only one who will never let me down. However, it takes a renewed mind to comprehend this and to walk it out. So as my mind continues the renewing process, I can see it catching up with my spirit which already has the truth of God within it. The reality of a renewed mind becomes visible each day. Sometimes we don't see our change immediately, but it is there. Often times it creeps up through our responses and actions that would not have been the norm for us. We must remember that trust is not something the world can offer, but it is something that Jesus can offer and keep!!!

Stay encouraged....

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