Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Greatest Gift You Can Give

He offers a once in a lifetime opportunity! He came so we can exchange our sorrow for His joy; redeem impending spiritual death for eternal life, convert the hardened heart into a clean heart, and interchange a mediocre life for a more abundant one. How can one take part in this opportunity? The opportunity is open for those who are willing to give their lives to Christ.
The most important decision that we make in life is not what career path to take, where to go to school, or even the selection of a spouse. Although all of these things mentioned are important, the decision to give our lives to Christ is the most important. Why? Our sins will be forgiven and it guarantees the place in which we will be spending eternity. Giving our lives to Christ will also result in receiving wisdom for those important decisions that we have to make in life. We are also afforded the opportunity to participate in the building of His Kingdom; this is where true fulfillment resides: walking in our purpose to advance His will. Finally, we are rewarded with the opportunity of having a true friend and everlasting relationship with God the Father through Christ. Our prayers will be heard, we will receive guidance for the future, comfort will be given during difficult times, and we will receive His protection and strength.
The new life in Christ will come with resistance from the enemy, and we will experience heart aches and setbacks which are inevitable, but we have the assurance of spiritual stability and a God and Friend who will hold our hands along the way; we will never be alone again because He promised it! Give your life over to Christ, it will be the best decision you will ever make.
Meditate on this scripture that expresses the reward of giving your life to Christ:

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.”(Revelation 3:20)

~Toni H.

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